Tencent Holdings Ltd. (Wikipedia) (Chinese: 腾讯; pinyin: Téngxùn) is a Chinese multinational technology conglomerate and holding company headquartered in Shenzhen.
is one of the highest grossing multimedia companies in the world based on revenue. It is also the world's largest company in the video game industry based on its equity investments.
Chat model
Tencent's hybrid model API (
Hunyuan API
) implements dialogue communication, content generation, analysis and understanding, and can be widely used in various scenarios such as intelligent customer service, intelligent marketing, role playing, advertising, copyrighting, product description, script creation, resume generation, article writing, code generation, data analysis, and content analysis.
For more information, see this notebook
from langchain.chat_models import ChatHunyuan
Vector Store
Tencent Cloud VectorDB is a fully managed, self-developed enterprise-level distributed database service dedicated to storing, retrieving, and analyzing multidimensional vector data. The database supports a variety of index types and similarity calculation methods, and a single index supports 1 billion vectors, millions of QPS, and millisecond query latency.
Tencent Cloud Vector Database
can not only provide an external knowledge base for large models and improve the accuracy of large models' answers, but also be widely used in AI fields such as recommendation systems, NLP services, computer vision, and intelligent customer service.
Install the Python SDK:
pip install tcvectordb
For more information, see this notebook
from langchain.vectorstores import TencentVectorDB
Document Loaders
Tencent COS
Tencent Cloud Object Storage (COS) is a distributed storage service that enables you to store any amount of data from anywhere via HTTP/HTTPS protocols.
has no restrictions on data structure or format. It also has no bucket size limit and partition management, making it suitable for virtually any use case, such as data delivery, data processing, and data lakes. COS provides a web-based console, multi-language SDKs and APIs, command line tool, and graphical tools. It works well with Amazon S3 APIs, allowing you to quickly access community tools and plugins.
Install the Python SDK:
pip install cos-python-sdk-v5
Tencent COS Directory
For more information, see this notebook
from langchain.document_loaders import TencentCOSDirectoryLoader
from qcloud_cos import CosConfig
Tencent COS File
For more information, see this notebook
from langchain.document_loaders import TencentCOSFileLoader
from qcloud_cos import CosConfig