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Trubrics is an LLM user analytics platform that lets you collect, analyse and manage user prompts & feedback on AI models.

Check out Trubrics repo for more information on Trubrics.

In this guide, we will go over how to set up the TrubricsCallbackHandler.

Installation and Setup

!pip install trubrics

Getting Trubrics Credentials

If you do not have a Trubrics account, create one on here. In this tutorial, we will use the default project that is built upon account creation.

Now set your credentials as environment variables:

import os

os.environ["TRUBRICS_EMAIL"] = "***@***"
os.environ["TRUBRICS_PASSWORD"] = "***"


The TrubricsCallbackHandler can receive various optional arguments. See here for kwargs that can be passed to Trubrics prompts.

class TrubricsCallbackHandler(BaseCallbackHandler):

Callback handler for Trubrics.

project: a trubrics project, default project is "default"
email: a trubrics account email, can equally be set in env variables
password: a trubrics account password, can equally be set in env variables
**kwargs: all other kwargs are parsed and set to trubrics prompt variables, or added to the `metadata` dict


Here are two examples of how to use the TrubricsCallbackHandler with Langchain LLMs or Chat Models. We will use OpenAI models, so set your OPENAI_API_KEY key here:

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "sk-***"

1. With an LLM

from langchain.callbacks import TrubricsCallbackHandler
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
llm = OpenAI(callbacks=[TrubricsCallbackHandler()])
2023-09-26 11:30:02.149 | INFO     | trubrics.platform.auth:get_trubrics_auth_token:61 - User has been authenticated.
res = llm.generate(["Tell me a joke", "Write me a poem"])
2023-09-26 11:30:07.760 | INFO     | trubrics.platform:log_prompt:102 - User prompt saved to Trubrics.
2023-09-26 11:30:08.042 | INFO | trubrics.platform:log_prompt:102 - User prompt saved to Trubrics.
print("--> GPT's joke: ", res.generations[0][0].text)
print("--> GPT's poem: ", res.generations[1][0].text)
--> GPT's joke:  

Q: What did the fish say when it hit the wall?
A: Dam!

--> GPT's poem:

A Poem of Reflection

I stand here in the night,
The stars above me filling my sight.
I feel such a deep connection,
To the world and all its perfection.

A moment of clarity,
The calmness in the air so serene.
My mind is filled with peace,
And I am released.

The past and the present,
My thoughts create a pleasant sentiment.
My heart is full of joy,
My soul soars like a toy.

I reflect on my life,
And the choices I have made.
My struggles and my strife,
The lessons I have paid.

The future is a mystery,
But I am ready to take the leap.
I am ready to take the lead,
And to create my own destiny.

2. With a chat model

from langchain.callbacks import TrubricsCallbackHandler
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.schema import HumanMessage, SystemMessage
chat_llm = ChatOpenAI(
tags=["chat model"],
some_metadata={"hello": [1, 2]},
chat_res = chat_llm(
SystemMessage(content="Every answer of yours must be about OpenAI."),
HumanMessage(content="Tell me a joke"),
2023-09-26 11:30:10.550 | INFO     | trubrics.platform:log_prompt:102 - User prompt saved to Trubrics.
Why did the OpenAI computer go to the party?

Because it wanted to meet its AI friends and have a byte of fun!